The structure and triad of design as a fundamental set in the creation of an artefact


  • Angélica María Gaviria Santa Estudiante



Aesthetic function, communicative function, formal elements, functional elements, specialization, technical function, tool


In the course of human history, sciences such as sociology, anthropology and archeology, have been commissioned to demonstrate that man lives in function to create tools to facilitate survival in the environment of each times, moving from traditional processes to more industrialized. For them the human being has been specializing in different tasks in order to achieve many more selected objects and details. The specialization of individuals in the field of industrial design, consist on the conduct in-depth studies of form and functionality of a device, which must have a clear relationship between the formal elements, communicative, aesthetic and functional that allows the user a better understanding and as a consequence of this a better use of such devices that allows the man a life much more practical.

Author Biography

  • Angélica María Gaviria Santa, Estudiante

    Estudiante del tercer semestre en 2011-1.


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