Thermals and tourism
entrepreneur, economic rationality, strategyAbstract
The paper work that will be presented next, has been elaborated by students in thirds semester of Business administration; with the objective to accomplish the targets planned by the university in terms of collective work.
The investigations that were made have as purpose to determine the type or types of rationalities that a manager has for a specific company; since these aspects are fundamental for the functioning, growing and permanence of any kind of organization.
So, concepts about types of rationalities are defined, microeconomic and accounting aspects from the point of view of some theoretical authors as Ortiz, Simon, Nicholson and Snyder, among others. The relevance of this research is considered as consequence of rationality, since the human being has been differentiated from the animals because of the thinking and rational nature, which allows to act according to the reason and not the impulses.
It is defined in EcuRed (s.f) rationality as “the human capability that allows thinking, to evaluate and act according to certain principles of optimality and consistency, in order to satisfy any objective or target”. Likewise, rationality is found in a framework inside the human acting, differentiating that depending on the experience and professionalism that the person has.
<< Rationality accounts for an order of meaning for our acts, which means, what explains an acting the way some laws give sense to the acts. The rationality of modernity (and administration is a daughter of modernity) is considered as instrumental because it is guided by the result of the action>> (Elster, quoted by Castaño, Yepes & Ospina, 2013, p. 31)
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