Rationality at decision making of businessmen in small and medium companies in Pereira, focused on the company Óptica Las Gafas S.A.S
businessman, decision making, economic rationalityAbstract
At moment of crisis, what strategies do you implement to make decisions? The companies’ crises are moments that absolutely all merchants have at any moment of the year or commercial life as it is. At first instant and from there depends all that comes, we must take in count when we are in critical moments at financial level, sells level or even at human level that we manage. We must have a lot of ability for the conscious analysis and open to guarantee that the moment is only the beginning of a project to get better and get ahead. In second place we must find the root of the factor that is occasioning the crisis and which is being really the problem to know where we head in order to look for a solution. Not falling in the mistake of looking sudden solutions that are only “warm water cloths” and don’t take the problem from the roots, when it’s already found the focus of the problem (economic, administrative, customer service, sells) among others, we proceed to analyze at what moment and why we got in or was formed that unconformity and there we start to implement the tools depending on the corporative field in which we are. If it’s customer service we get ready to execute following plans and constant advisors to external and internal clients to guarantee the satisfaction of both. If we are facing a financial problem we must to implement strategies that lower not mandatory personal expenses for the company to make a saving found that helps us to capitalize the company again and be able to play with the daily cash flow. If it´s a sells problem we implement projects with allied companies, checking our price lists and we support on current agreements with the goal to better those sells. Finally, is important to clear that every sector of the company can present difficulties at some point, but the most important is to get to know clearly the root cause of the problem, this way get to implement the correct plan of improvement (Ladino, 2016).
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