Market structure in monopolistic competition and determination of the balancing point * - case no. 1 company. urban spirit e.u


  • Gloria Stella Salazar Yepes Docente
  • Luisa Fernanda Silva Restrepo Estudiante
  • Shadday Henao Duque Estudiante
  • Valentina López Llanos Estudiante



structure of market, monopolistic competition, variable costs, equilibrium point


This article is a product of the collective performed at the first academic semester of 2016. Whose main purpose is to describe the way in which the market structure under monopolistic competition, affects the determination of the equilibrium balance point of the company Espíritu Urbano. What was mentioned before can be achievied by a descriptive investigation and an approximation to the case, this permitted a contrastation between the theoretical approach realized, about the elements that constitute the market structure, equilibrium balance point and business reality. It can be concluded that the aspect that constitute the market structure under monopolistic competition, influence directly on the equilibrium balance point determination of the company on economic terms and accounting as well, all those aspects affect directly on the determination of costs either on production or commercializations.

Author Biographies

  • Gloria Stella Salazar Yepes, Docente

    Docente Asociada I, Coordinadora del Colectivo.

  • Luisa Fernanda Silva Restrepo, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de tercer semestre de Negocios Internacionales, 2016-II.

  • Shadday Henao Duque, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de tercer semestre de Negocios Internacionales, 2016-II.

  • Valentina López Llanos, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de tercer semestre de Negocios Internacionales, 2016-II.


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