Foreign investment needs in the “pyme´s” of the sub-sector cosmetics in pereira’s city
Foreign investment, internacionalization, su-bsector cosmetics, pyme’s (small and medium companies), productive transformation programAbstract
The Productive Transformation Program was created by the Government as a tool to increase the productivity and the competitiveness of Colombian´s industry; in this Program were identified the 20 strongest sectors of the country, as they are considered world class sectors. Each of this sectors possesses a Business Plan in order to the businessmen undertake the process aimed to the improvement of its productive activities and in this way, create more competitive companies, that generate employment and development. In Pereira’s city was identified the Sector of Cosmetics and Cleanliness, especially the sub-sector cosmetics, as a sector with considerable potential to grow and to have an international development, which is why this study is realized by the intention to establish the needs of foreign.
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