Productive characterization and internationalization profile of the municipality of Anserma, Caldas
This article is an approach to the characterization of the municipality of Anserma, Caldas, from the economic and business point of view. It is the result of a formative research process of the first semester students of the International Business program, within the framework of the pedagogical strategy of teacher-student collectives, carried out by the Catholic University of Pereira. The research aims to develop in students skills that allow them to identify and apply tools for the characterization and analysis of the variables that affect the productive sectors of Anserma, Caldas. The information was collected from primary and secondary sources; the first, based on a fieldwork where conversations were held with owners, administrators and employees of the various companies located in the municipality; the second, with the use of information that rests with local and national entities. The rigor of the handling of the information, as well as the academic referents and their deepening are related to students of the first semester, which shows that it has a character of less investigative rigor and that it resorts more to observation and, to a lesser degree, to the comparison with the theoretical components.
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