Learning as knowledge construction


  • Lina Fernanda García Martínez Estudiante
  • Jhon Javier Duran Cetter Estudiante
  • Alejandra Ramírez Aricapa Estudiante
  • Henry Solarte Estudiante




Learning, building, interaction, teaching model, context


The current reflection tackles the question of how the student of the LER builds knowledge, conceiving knowledge as a systemic transmission of knowledge, this being something inconclusive, in which the limits are not drawn. During the discussion the Philosophy is approached, that has given account of this search throughout the history of the man, later some aspects from the psychology are approached especially focusing in the learning. Psychology with the perspective of constructivist learning provides new elements to understand the importance of the relationship of the context and of others. And finally pedagogy, from the teaching-learning model becomes an essential aspect to understand, the role of the student and the teacher in dialogical interaction, in which language is the mediating instrument, giving rise to the construction of new knowledge.

Author Biographies

  • Lina Fernanda García Martínez, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de segundo semestre en la Licenciatura de Educación Religiosa 2017-2.

  • Jhon Javier Duran Cetter, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de segundo semestre en la Licenciatura de Educación Religiosa 2017-2.

  • Alejandra Ramírez Aricapa, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de segundo semestre en la Licenciatura de Educación Religiosa 2017-2.

  • Henry Solarte, Estudiante

    Estudiantes de segundo semestre en la Licenciatura de Educación Religiosa 2017-2.


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