El Desarrollo Empresarial y la Fuerza de la Comunidad en Pereira


  • Jaime Montoya Ferrer


Pereira city, entrepreneurs, changes, development, community


In the article is studied the economical and social transformation of Pereira during the first years of the XX century. The reference of the change refers mainly to the emerging of new economical activities that give the population greater and diverse work alternatives and a vision of a more modern World according to the trends of the national economical development.

The changing from a small hut to a city, is the outcome of a set of historical facts came from its birth, which add themselves for a change, in a raising and definite way the development view and mentality from its population.

In this set of conditions, it is wanted to deepen with a greater care in the participation of a group of civil and entrepreneural leaders that impeled by their eagerness of progress for the city, promote by means of diverse forms of community action the fulfilment of entrepreneural, services and development projects of the physical structure which has been named for many authors and analysts of the city the golden age of Pereira.

Author Biography

  • Jaime Montoya Ferrer

    Administrador de Negocios, Vicerrector académico UCPR.


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