Diferencias Conceptuales entre Clusters y Cadenas Productivas: Y sus Implicaciones para la Construccion del Futuro de Risaralda


  • David McCormick Escandón
  • Patricia Morales Ledesma


Knowledge Management, Strategic Commitment, Cluster, Supply Chain Management, Distribution Channe, Scenarios, Technology Foresight


This is the first of a series of articles that show a conceptual framework to analyze the future alternatives to improve the competitivity of productive chains (supply chains and
distribution channels) of the Risaralda region (in Colombia) that have already been identified in the Regional Technology Foresight Agenda (Agenda Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología)
and in the internal agenda for productitivity and competitivity of the Risaralda Region (Agenda Interna para la Productividad y la Competitividad del Departamento de Risaralda).

This document focuses on explaining the differences between clusters and productive chains, building a theorical framework to analyze and understand the future implications of the different knowledge management levels, and the strategic commitment to the territory in the Risaralda region. This perspective helps analyze the actual and future opportunities
and limitations for the productive chains that want to become clusters.

Author Biographies

  • David McCormick Escandón

    Profesor UCPR.

  • Patricia Morales Ledesma

    Profesora UCPR


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