In-house competitiveness analysis of the import/export processes of Pereira and Dosquebradas’ metalurgical sector


  • Juan Carlos Muñoz Montaño
  • pablo Cesar Franco Vasquez


Competitiveness, infrastructure, logistics, import, export, metallurgical sector


This article presents the results of a research project aimed at determining the degreeof logistics infrastructure, knowledge and state of export import processes in themost representative companies of the metallurgical sector in Pereira andDosquebradas. The article relies on interviews and polls and concludes that there is alack of in depth analysis of technical information related to international trade andlow levels of internal organization. As a result, it is important for the said companiesto address these problems to ensure that the former remain competitive in light ofrecent free trade agreements.

Author Biography

  • Juan Carlos Muñoz Montaño

    Docentes investigadores integrantes del grupo de investigación Marketing y logística de la Facultad de cencías
    Económicas y administrativas de la UCPR


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