La Internacionalización de la Empresa Colombiana una Aproximación Empírica desde el Marketing Internacional


  • Juan Carlos Robledo


Trust, Uncertainty, Internationalization, Fragmentation, Posture


The reflection about the internationalization of the company, not from the perspective of the Institution, but from the perspective of the "management" that has taken the decision (or at least he/she is thinking it) of facing the challenges of the international markets. Therefore, and to be able to fulfill this objective, I have decided to be worth myself in the first point of the elaboration of a "mapeo" about that that, from my perspective, it is the general global environment that affects to the company in their purpose of internationalization. In second point, I will present before you the results of a first approach type "exploratory" that have been carrying out in diverse cities of Colombia with people that act in
"small and medium companies ", and that they are generally to level of general managements or intermediate managements. These people, are my students of Master and Specialization that, I  assist in diverse universities and that they become for the "professor-investigator" in their first approach source to the managerial and personal realities possible of the topics of interest.


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ARESE, Héctor. (año). Comercio y Marketing Internacional: Modelo para el Diseño Estratégico. Ciudad: Norma

CAICEDO, A. Yamil. (año). Economía Internacional: Perspectiva Latinoamericana. Ciudad: Ediciones Tecno-Press.

CZINKOTA, Michael y otros. (año). Marketing Internacional. Sexta edición Ciudad: Mc-Graw Hill.

KRUGMAN, Paul. (año). De vuelta a la economía de la gran depresión. Ciudad: Norma.

O´KEAN, José M. (año). Economía para Negocios: Analisis del entorno económico de los negocios. Segunda edición. Ciudad: Mc.Graw Hill





