Análisis económico de La caverna de José Saramago


  • Juan Fernando Palacio Roldán


Literature and economics, creative destruction, capitalist system


After recognizing the tremendous comprehension of the economic system behavior that José Saramago shows in his whole literary work, this article criticizes the fatalist vision of markets that is manifested in his novel, highlighting valuable elements of the system that were excluded of the novel, and appreciating the process of creative destruction studied by Schumpeter as one of the main pillars in material and human progress. It is shown that Saramago's approach in is rather associable to a luddistic spirit than to his affinities with communist thinking.

Author Biography

  • Juan Fernando Palacio Roldán

    Juan Fernando Palacio Roldán. Economista y especialista en Estudios Políticos de la Universidad EAFIT.
    Docente de Coyuntura Económica Internacional y de Geopolítica de la Universidad EAFIT


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