Desarrollo de imágenes corporativas para PYMES de Pereira. Una experiencia exitosa de la triada Estado + Universidad + Empresa
University, Government, Company, Trading, Corporate image, Regional managementAbstract
A case report is presented on the systematization of the significant pedagogical experience developed in the marketing course in the sixth semester of the Industrial Design program affiliated at Architecture and Design Faculty of the Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda, whose objective is to take closer the students to the concepts of marketing with a disciplined focus, to propose the development of corporate images for SMEs belonging to the knowledge mentoring program of Pereira´s regional business center (Bancoldex) which has sought to establish relationships with the university as an initial element of regional processes in innovation that allow the increase of the competitive capacities and the implementation of the effective strategy UNIVERSITY + COMPANY + GOVERNMENT (Sabato´s triangle) in the Risaralda region.
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