UNASUR: En pro de una Suramérica más plena y participativa
Integration, cooperation, development, international community, Latin America, sovereigntyAbstract
Today America is in a state of definitions about the phenomenon of integration so far has been plural and diverse, emerging on the continent a complex reality. This letter initially mentioned exercises existing in Latin America integration, but quickly focuses solely on UNASUR as a leading issue , because it is an integration agreement whose consolidation has occurred relatively rapidly and is expected to not be "one more "but becomes a process of great scope for South America , a region that has so far been characterized by underdevelopment and inequality but also for being democratic and rich in natural resources. Participatory and consensual manner , UNASUR aims to be a forum for dialogue, political consultation and cooperation , where not only the problems , interests and needs become visible in economic terms, but also be a priority community building as a concept there be strengthened on the basis of development , that represents progress and progress in social, cultural, political, economic and environmental.
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