Relationship between health and income per capita: Literature review and drafting of the theoretical framework


  • Armando Gil Ospina
  • Gerardo Buchelli Lozano
  • Harold Martínez Jaramillo


Health, economic growth, productivity, life expectancy, infant mortality


The literature related to health and economic development allows learning aboutdifferent studies that have found a direct relationship between higher per capitaincome and a higher level of health (Lee & Mills, 1983; Ehrlich & Lui, 1991;Barro, 1996a y Mayer-Foulkes, 2001).In the methodological process, Barro (1996a) has indicated that the instrumentalvariables, in this case, are used to explain all the information available for thedependent variable; the autoregressive vector (AR) represent the past values ofthe dependent variable and the average mobiles (AM) are the weighted sum ofcurrent and lagged random disturbances.The relationship between the coefficient of elasticity Gini and the infantmortality rate (IMR), presented a positive sign; therefore, a high level of incomeinequality causes a higher rate of infant mortality (Barro, 1996b; Mayer-Foulkes,2001).Furthermore, in a series of cross-country macroeconomic studie,s also foundevidence of significant impact of life expectancy on economic growth (Barro andSala-i-Martin, 1995; Barro, 1996b).


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