Democratización de la Educación Superior: Una estrategia para el desarrollo socioeconómico


  • María del Pilar López Rodríguez


Higher education, democratization, public policies, human talent, economic development


This document focuses on the theoretical-conceptual analysis of higher education democratization and its potential scope in terms of public policy for the socio-economic development of a country. The hypothesis guide, considers the democratization of education as a social transformation phenomenon, that from an egalitarian and equitable perspective, enables the reproduction of individual benefits, the expansion of positive externalities, the construction of knowledge-based societies, and the strengthening of productive structures; all of this through the extension of personal freedoms and human capital formation. It is propose, an understanding of the phenomenon as an evolutionary process, which requires specific long-term policies for the harmonization of productive dynamics with social welfare.

Author Biography

  • María del Pilar López Rodríguez

    Magíster en Políticas Públicas, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella – Buenos Aires, Argentina. Economista, Universidad
    Autónoma de Occidente – Cali, Colombia. Docente T.C. e investigadora del grupo GEOS, Universidad de San
    Buenaventura Cali, Colombia. correo-e:


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