Analysis of organizational values in a business context.


  • Armenio Pérez Martínez


value, organizational values, organizational behaviour


Tthe purpose of the article is the critical analysis of the concept of value from diverseperspectives and its implication in the management world, proposing new readingsand methodological integrations and above everything, recognizing the practicalimportance of the administration of values in the organizations like form of to givesense to the action and to foment an atmosphere labor developer and cooperative.The analytic-synthetic method is used to value the information. As a result it isappreciated that they exist variety of approaches as for the theoretical definition andmethodological focus in the boarding of the values, although common elementsexist in their essential aspects that coincide in like one of the fundamental elementsinside the organizational culture

Author Biography

  • Armenio Pérez Martínez

    Profesor de la Universidad de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba


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