Potentiality of the coffee sector through the Common Code for the Coffee Community 4C


  • Eduardo Arturo Cruz Trejos
  • Paola Andréa Echeverri Gutiérrez


Sustainability, supply chain, coffee


In this paper present the results of the analysis of potentiality of the coffee sector inthe city of Pereira Risaralda through the implementation of the Common Code forthe Coffee Community 4C. Initially breakeven and profitability of coffee companiesin the region is determined by size of production and the optimal supply chain wasestablished in the development and marketing of high quality coffees, subsequently,the cost that most affect this type of coffee is stipulated. Finally, strategies to promotebetter conditions for farmers and their families in the social, environmental andeconomic dimensions were identified.

Author Biographies

  • Eduardo Arturo Cruz Trejos

    Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

  • Paola Andréa Echeverri Gutiérrez

    Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira


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