Relevance of the Specialization and Master’s Programs in Pedagogy and Human Development of the Catholic University of Pereira
Pertinence, Education, Market, Pedagogy and Human Development, Catholic University of PereiraAbstract
The present research focused on evaluating of the pertinence of theSpecialization and Master’s programs in Pedagogy and Human Development(PYDH) of the Catholic University of Pereira (UCP). In addition, it wasproposed to analyze the conditions of insertion and salary scales, to identify thedeveloped competences during the study period and to know the perceptionof some members of the Curricular Committee of these academic programs,several outstanding graduates and a non-random sample of employers. In orderto obtain the required information, surveys were conducted with graduates ofthe specialization and masters, according to sample size, by telephone; directsurveys were applied to a non-random sample of employees; semi-structuredinterviews were made to some members of the Curricular Committee andto outstanding graduates. The theoretical elements that establish a directrelationship between the level of schooling and the rate of salary remunerationwere proved (Shultz and Becker, 1964), as well as other approaches to HumanCapital Theory.
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