Calculation and analysis of the maximum annual effi ciency of solar trackers
A standard methodology is proposed in thiswork to calculate the effi ciency of solar trackers for anygeographical latitude. A literature review was performed,and related articles were selected. Following an analysis ofthe information, a dispersion of the reported results withrespect to the mean value was identifi ed. An algorithm wasdeveloped to calculate theoretical maximum energy effi ciency,based on a scientifi c review of the concept of effi ciency. Thealgorithm was programmed and ran according to the latitudein the reports. Maximum values of theoretical effi ciencywere obtained for each of the reported latitudes, presentingsignifi cant diff erences regarding the data presented by theauthors. No clear methodologies for calculating the effi ciencyof solar trackers were identifi ed in the articles studied. Theproposed methodology be used as a reference, given that thereal effi ciency cannot be greater than the theoretical. Keywords— Effi ciency of solar tracker, maximum theoreticaleffi ciency, methodology calculation, mobile support.
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