Uso De Las Tics Y Objetos De Aprendizaje Para La Enseñanza De Las Matemáticas En La UCPR


  • Euclides Murcia Londoño
  • Héctor Córdoba Vargas


technologies for communication and information, competences, didactics, learning theories


This article presents the development and implementation of an active strategy supported on the technologies for communication and information, which make it easier the teaching and learning process among teachers and students in the classroom. That strategy will be
focused specifically on those students who are taking mathematics courses in the different academic programs at Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda. The main objective with this project is that the students improve their knowledge about this area and develop the minimal competences related to the subject.

As it is mentioned in the National Plan on technologies for communication and information, “the use of these technologies has changed the social customs and the way people interact. They have improved the opportunities for many people who were traditionally excluded, and the social mobility has been increased. These technologies have also changed the way people learn and the role of teachers and students. It has also demonstrated that the learning process cannot be measured in terms of time, it must be developed along the life of each person”.

It is important to remark that technologies for communication and information are a resource for the improvement of the teaching practice, but taking into consideration the human being. This is the reason why, the methodology proposed is based on the institutional ethic and
educative principles, looking forward pedagogic theory, pedagogical practice, and the use of technologies for communication and information applied for the teaching and learning process of mathematics, will contribute to get as a result, students who will become people, professionally and capable people.

Author Biographies

  • Euclides Murcia Londoño

    Estudiante de Maestría en la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas
    Lic. en Matemáticas y Computación
    Docente catedrático Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda
    Docente Institución Educativa Villa Santana
    Grupo de Investigación GEMA

  • Héctor Córdoba Vargas

    Maestría en Administración Educativa
    Lic. en Matemáticas y Física
    Docente asistente Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda
    Docente Institución Educativa INEM Felipe Pérez
    Grupo de Investigación GEMA


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How to Cite

Uso De Las Tics Y Objetos De Aprendizaje Para La Enseñanza De Las Matemáticas En La UCPR. (2009). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 6(6), 129-149.