Mayan Mathematical Thought, a Metaphorical Creation
Mayan numerical system, metaphors, Mayan mythologyAbstract
Mathematical symbols and their multiple relationships, have been used for centuries, these symbols emerged by multiple daily needs of human beings, and it was imperative to name them in order to refer to them. Those names were metaphors whose real meaning has been forgotten nowadays. These metaphors are not only found in mathematics texts, they are also found in books, school texts and the speech of teachers. Now, a question is proposed: in what sense, the use of metaphorical language helps or obstructs the development of mathematical thought?
This work is intended to show a fairly illustrative example of construction of mathematical thought through metaphorical language, it is a numeric system based on three symbols derived from the Maya’s sacred mythology culture development. The religious beliefs of the Maya-K’iche are written on the “Popol Vuh”. From this sacred book arises their sacred mathematics, as a work by Hurricane or Heart of Heaven, as they named their God.
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