Dynamic Channel Selection in IEEE 802.15.4 Using Artificial Neural Networks
IEEE 802.15.4, dynamic channel selection,, artificial neural networksAbstract
IEEE 802.15.4 is a communication standard for wireless personal areanetworks, the operation bands are 800, 900 and 2400 MHz. The 2400 MHzband is assigned for industrial, scientific and medical applications, and itis shared with other wireless technologies like IEEE 802.11b, 802.15.1,802.15.3 and 802.16. So, it is expected that IEEE 802.15.4 devices haveto operate close to other wireless devices, it is called coexistence. It meansthey have to present a good performance in presence of changes andinterference in radio environment.For that reason, designers and implementers of IEEE 802.15.4 devicesmust conceive mechanisms of dynamic operating that improve thecoexistence. In this way, this article proposes to use artificial neural networksfor a dynamic cannel selection for IEEE 802.15.4 like a mechanism ofcoexistence in the 2400 MHz band.
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