State of the Art to Support the Software Development Process in Colombian SMEs: A View from the National Organizations that deal with the discipline
software engineering, national standards, SQA (Software Quality Assurance)Abstract
In Colombia, the software industry has become a sector with a largepotential for development; It is for this reason that big efforts to consolidateits position as one of the most important in the national economy havebeen made, proof of this is the fact that Departments such as Caldas,Quindío and Risaralda are considering this issue within their developmentplans and agendas of Science and Technology (Joyanes Aguilar, CuestaMeza, & López Trujillo, 2010). However, the poor adoption of internationalstandards and the fact of not having a proper policy for quality softwaredevelopment have generated little penetration in international markets.This article presents an approach to the tools that software developercompanies can find to carry out their process in a disciplined way fromthe Software Engineering; especially from the perspective of organizationsthat deal with software development and proposals for quality assurancecarried out in the country
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