Applying Industrial Chemistry to Electrochemical Reactors in Separated Compartments




ABS, electrical performance, hydrodynamic model


The chemical industry technological development in terms of national and international levels has been placed on a very high position and is the basis of progress with minimal pollution; it also looks for the idea of minimizing costs with a high profit. It is for this reason that this article aims to provide an overview of the Industrial Chemistry application for the generation of new materials and equipment based on an analysis of all design parameters which are used both in the laboratory as pilot scale in order to conclude on a mathematical model that governs the hydrodynamic behavior of the recovery of hexavalent chromium in separate compartments electrochemical reactors operating in potentiostatic mode and galvanostatic mode.


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How to Cite

Applying Industrial Chemistry to Electrochemical Reactors in Separated Compartments. (2010). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 4(8), 9-20.