Graphing of Curves of Complexometrics Valuations and Graph of Distribution Species of the EDTA, Using the Approach of the Structured Programming
Complexometric valuation, Valuation curves, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), Structured programmingAbstract
Reactions of complexation are very important in diverse scientific areas and in the daily life and constitute the base of the complexometrics valuations. The EDTA is one of the most used titrant in this type of valuations, due to the fact that it forms very stable complexes with the majority of the cations. This article presents the design of an algorithm that allows deriving curves of valuations of a simple way, improving the calculations to laboratory level. The designed algorithm realizes the calculation of the coordinates of the above mentioned curves and its respective graphs, from the conditions of valuation determined by the user, contained in the domain of considered information.
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