Providers Selection Optimization Integrating a Decision Tree in a Business Process
Business Process Management (BPM), Data Mining, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), jBPM, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), web servicesAbstract
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is developed to address newbusiness challenges; they have become more competitive and integratedinformation systems. In addition, technologies such as business processmanagement (BPM), Business activity monitoring (BAM) and web servicesare an essential complement to SOA.In this paper we integrate several of these technologies in a singleapplication that allows, in a phase of a business process, to perform theanalysis of input suppliers to the company, through the generation of adecision tree, using embedded code of free tool Weka data mining tofeedback the business process to improve it.The result was a prototype able to select suppliers through a decision tree.
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