Development of an Algorithm for Controlling Movement of a Robotic Platform, by Digital Image Processing
Procesamiento Digital de Imágenes, Histogramas, Segmentación, Posición Relativa, OpenCVAbstract
The following work shows an algorithm that can process images digitally with the goal of control the movement of a mobile robotic platform in a certain environment. The platform is identified with a specific color, and displacement environment of the platform shift has identified obstacles with different colors, for both cases it worked with the RGB color scale.
To obtain the control’s movement of the robotic platform, the algorithm was developed in C programming language, and used the Open CV libraries for processing images captured by a video camera on the Dev-platform C + +.
The video camera was previously calibrated using ZHANG technique where parameters were obtained focal length and tilt focal pixel. In the algorithm histogram analysis and segmentation of the image were developed, allowing to determine exactly the relative position of the platform with respect to the obstacles and movement strategy to follow.
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