Communication, meaning and thinking preferences: contributions to learning in computer programming
: meaningful learning, communication, thinking preferences, meaning conceptAbstract
The Meaningful Learning Theory, its essence the concept of meaning, and the use of a thinking preferences model, from the idea of education as a communication process, makes it possible that the computer programming area, in its first steps (Programming I and Programming II), has reduced low levels of academic performance in the last six semesters. The strategies adopted in these courses have permitted a notorious improvement in terms of knowledge on programming logic in the students, which can be noticed in the next courses in the same area, and a better use of new technologies in communication and personal relationships among teacher and
students, improving the academic climate and facilitating the use of a specific knowledge based on what is called meaning concept. All this was used in the learning process of the students who are attending the program Computing and Systems Engineering, at Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
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