Solutions for the fluids between parallel and porous walls




Parallel porous walls, conducting fluids, Injection, Ejection


A conducting fluid is continuously injected or ejected through a pair of parallel porous walls and it escapes in both directions along the channel. The flow forms a stagnation point at the center and the effluence is restricted by a magnetic field. A theoretical analysis of steady state solutions of the MHD equations in the incompressible case is given as a function of three parameters: the Reynolds number Re, the magnetic Reynolds number Rm and Alfvenic Mach number MA for some of significant asymptotic limits. For highly conducting plasma (Rm >> 1) it was found that the magnetic field restrains the outflow for MA <1 and drives the escape for MA >1. In motions of low conductivity (Rm <<1) the magnetic field contains (and can be used for controlling) the effluence.


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Author Biographies

  • Diana Marcela Devia Narváez, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

    Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira-UTP, Doctor in Engineering (2012).
    Magister in Science-Physics (2010). Member of the group Laboratorio de
    plasma of Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Manizales, and Nonlinear differential equations “GEDNOL” of Universidad Tecnológica de
    Pereira. Fields of work: Materials processing by plasma assisted techniques,
    structural, mechanical and morphological characterization of materials and
    Modeling and simulation of physical properties of materials

  • Fernando Mesa, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

    Professor and currently the director of the Mathematical Department in the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Magister Universidad Tecnológica De Pereira – UTP in Physical Instrumentation (2007). Thesis: SILAB-System of information for the administration of the quality management system of the laboratory of metrology in the electrical variables of the UTP based on the technical regulations NTCISO-IEC 17025. Magister in Mathematics in la Universidad del Valle (1990). Member of the group of Laboratorio del Física del Plasma of la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Manizales, and the group of nonlinear differential equations “GEDNOL” of Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.

  • Elisabeth Restrepo-Parra, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Associate professor of the Physics and Chemistry Department, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Manizales, Doctor in Engineering (2010), Magister in Science-Physics (2000), Member of the Groups: “Laboratorio de Física del Plasma” and “PCM Computational Applications”. The main research areas are: Materials processing by plasma assisted techniques, structural, mechanical and morphological characterization of materials and Modeling and simulation of physical properties of materials.


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How to Cite

Solutions for the fluids between parallel and porous walls. (2013). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 7(14), 24-31.