Evaluation of Nash equilibrium in order to Provide QoS Based on Delay in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks
games theory, noncooperative games, 802.11 wireless networks, quality of service, Nash equilibrium, end to end delayAbstract
This article addresses one of the problems currently present in wireless communications: guarantee quality of service from the perspective of end-to-end delay in IEEE 802.11 networks. Due to the delay that occurs in some services such as audio, video and other applications; the result of this research, presents a possible solution to the above problem. To address this approach, a model of game, in which users are provided access to different network access points that service is used, in this case the players act non-cooperatively, where the game is modeled as a static game, ie assuming that users make decisions simultaneously. The solution concept used is the Nash equilibrium (EN) under equilibrium arguments, this solution concept does not imply that the best overall result for users, only the best result for player considered individually, an algorithm is achieved is designed and implemented and to find this equilibrium, maximizing the utility of users.
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