Scheme for sizing the sedimentation units in high rate upflow
high rate, inclined plates, sedimentation, laminar sedimentation, wastewater treatment, advanced primary treatmentAbstract
In this article a systematic methodological approach for the design of sedimentation units high rate upflow inclined plates is formulated. It uses the guidelines and the existing equations in the literature. The development raised to define appropriate values for surface charge (Cs) and ratio of plate length and distance between plates (l / d), which meet the guidelines for surface charge (Cs), retention time plates (tp), reason plate between length and distance between plates (l / d), and settlement critical speed (Vsc). The implementation of this methodology has benefits such as: i) indicate a clear order of the calculations that lead to meet the guidelines of the literature, without the need of trial and error, ii) indicate the permissible limits of user-defined variables. The example shows that the proposed plan may be simply carried to a computer, and the information generated by the computer allows for easy, quick and proper definition of the user-selected variables.
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