Evaluation of classroom interventions results through multivariate techniques when teaching statistics
statistical analysis, analysis of variance, educational technologyAbstract
Statistics is a subject that presents difficultieswhen taking it to a level of practical understanding. It isused in modeling random phenomena and is indispensable ininvestigations involving uncertainty. The statistic that guidesthe Department of Physics and Mathematics (Universidadde Manizales -UAM) seeks the improvement in engineeringstudents, of stochastic thinking and understanding ofprobabilistic laws incorporating information technologies.A research instrument of previous ideas (IIP) was adopted fortwo purposes, first of all visualize stochastic preconceptionsand then, develop teaching units (DU) for teaching statistics.The three groups of IIP statistics was applied at the beginningand end of the semester II 2011 doing classroom interventiondesigned by UD. To compare results obtained, IIP was used inthree courses of I-2012 without using UD. With these resultscompare multinomial proportions, MANOVA and associationtests were performed in order to analyze the impact of theintervention.
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