Measuring the level of learning with two formation scenarios: a traditional one, and another with ICTs
ICTs, pedagogy and evaluation, using ICTs, teaching innovation through mathematicsAbstract
Education, in obedience to its nature of being a social and a public service, is related to a lot of variables, which generate a background of problems and opportunities for the continuous improvement of the process. Improvement that all the actors want to get based on the pretext of ensuring gradually the desired quality.
By the way, one of the main difficulties found, are related to the results obtained from the evaluation processes applied. In most cases, neither teachers nor students are really satisfied. This leads to the search for new strategies of collective work that will create a better learning environment and at the same time motivate students to appropriate the knowledge they need to face the reality that the environment offers them; and teachers to ensure greater relevance of the evaluation processes with the reality to which they belong.
Based on this educational challenge, the information and communications technology - ICTs become significant for an extra ingredient to class work, learning, evaluation resource. If they have become an important part of everyday life, then why not use them to improve the educational act.
This work systematizes the experience carried out in the Educational Institution Villa Santana. Experience is a field in which some tools for the development of the theme of fractional numbers in the fifth grade and the deployment of some conventional and unconventional teaching strategies were used, and then measure their impact from the results along the assessment process.
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