Design and implementation of an electrons detector in Mössbauer spectroscopy for reflection
Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy (CEMS), proportional counterAbstract
A proportional detector for gas flow was designed, which can be applied to analyze both, bulk and thin films samples, using the Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy technique (CEMS). The prototype is a stainless steel cylindrical chamber with extrusions for the input and output gas flow, conductive strands and a sample holder which is bound to a micrometer, which allows to vary the distance between the sample and the copper strands. A gas mixture of 95% He + 5% CH4, which serves as signal multiplier gas and in turn controls the electron multiplication avoiding discharges that can damage the surface of the sample was used. The device was calibrated acquiring ICEMS spectrum for a sample containing iron, adjusting it with the MOSSFIT program, obtaining reported values from the hyperfine parameters.
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