Vitamin C and surface color in tomato and green pepper: effect of heat treatments
CIEL * a * b *, cooking, pH, soluble solids, toneAbstract
The aim of this research was to determine the effect of heat treatment on the concentration of ascorbic acid and surface color in tomato and peppers. 100 g samples subjected to microwave cooking (800 w for 2 minutes), oven (200 ° C) steam (97 ° C) and water (98 ° C) for 10 minutes, rapidly they cooled to 5 ° C and we proceeded to determine the concentration of ascorbic acid, and the colorimetric coordinates CIEL*a*b*. Treatment with oven statistically showed the highest reduction of ascorbic acid to record losses of 80% of this antioxidant, and in green pepper, the cooking treatment with water method decreased the concentration of this micronutrient in 51.73%. On the other hand, thermal treatments did not affect the surface color of peppers and tomato fruits.
JFAOSTAT (2015).*/E. Citado el 21 de octubre de 2015
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