Dashboard for RPA management monitoring: a study in manufacturing SMEs
Robotic Process Automation (RPA), dashboard, technology management, indicators, process monitoring, SMEs manufacturersAbstract
Process monitoring is an action of constant effort in companies in order to identify through measurement, practices that increase their value proposition, operational quality and outstanding performance; many of these traceability processes are supported by technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to make the decision-making process more agile and effective. However, in the case of SMEs, not all of them have technological opportunities for monitoring. This article seeks to generate a characterization of SMEs in the manufacturing sector of the Área Metropolinata del Valle de Aburrá and Eastern Antioquia, in relation to the elements of measurement and technologies used, which allow proposing a dashboard of global indicators for monitoring the management of RPA in this study segment. The main contribution is to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing tools for process monitoring using one of the Industry 4.0 technologies such as RPA in SMEs
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