Formulation of a model to determine current and potential zones of cultivation for Hass avocado (Persea americana Mill) in the department of Risaralda based on edaphoclimatic and fruit quality variables
Hass Avocado, Machine Learning, Random Forest, Potential Crop ZonesAbstract
Agriculture is one of the fundamental pillars of all societies worldwide, and the proper management of information allows timely decisions to be made about the advancement of companies. National and departmental government entities support emergent agricultural endeavors that provide a good opportunity to increase levels of production and commercialization of products [1], such as the cultivation of Hass avocado (Persea americana Mill). Among the challenges associated with this type of cultivation is the need to find potential areas for planting and suitable productivity and to contribute to technological developments in the agricultural sector, benefiting Hass avocado growers from the department of Risaralda. Therefore, in this study, a model that allows the determination of current and potential areas of cultivation for Hass avocado (Persea americana Mill) in this department based on edaphoclimatic variables and fruit quality is proposed. This model takes advantage of current trends in precision agriculture, including techniques derived from machine learning and supervised learning algorithms, among which is random forest
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