Integrated Quality Management Systems: Strategy for Competitiveness in Food Agroindustry




Integrated quality management systems, Competitiveness, food agroindustry


Quality management systems can integrate other management systems and serve as a platform for the implementation of an integrated quality management system. This represents multiple advantages and has an important role in strengthening the competitiveness and expansion of organizations towards international markets. This research explores the state of the art regarding integrated quality management systems in the food industry and its implications in terms of its implementation as a competitive strategy; Likewise, theoretical-conceptual postulates and integration models are addressed to contribute to the discussion and establish a framework for reflection for the analysis of case studies. Therefore, a systematic review and analysis of the literature is carried out, indicating that an integrated quality management system is an important strategy to achieve greater competitiveness in the agri-food industry.

Author Biographies

  • Mavet Madai Herrera

    Biologist Chemist specializing in Food Technology, also has a Master's Degree in Health Sciences, both titles issued by the University of Sonora. Twelve years of experience as a Teacher and Academic Technician in the Department of Biological Chemical Sciences of the University of Sonora. She is currently attached to the Doctoral Program in Regional Development of the Center for Research in Food and Development (CIAD), A.C., her work belongs to the Knowledge Application and Generation League: Economy and Regional Development, Research Line 1: Industrial Organization and Productive Chains.

  • Jesús Martín Robles Parra, Center for Research in Food and Development

    He graduated from the School of Economics of the University of Sonora. He has a Master of Science with a specialty in Science Methodology from the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and a PhD in Organization Management from the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla. He has thirty years of experience in research and teaching in the lines of Organization, market, leadership and agri-food production chains. He is responsible for the methodological line of the master's and doctoral programs in regional development of the Center for Research in Food and Development, A.C and president of the academic council of the Coordination of Regional Development.

  • Juan Martín Preciado Rodríguez

    Industrial and Systems Engineer from the University of Sonora, with a specialization in the Ibero-American Training Program in Data Mining. PhD in Engineering in the area of ​​Computing from the Engineering Institute of the Autonomous University of Baja California. Currently attached to the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Sonora, where he is attached to the Academy of Manufacturing and Quality, and the Academy of Modeling and Optimization of Systems, in addition, he is responsible for the courses of Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Systems Simulation, taught in the Bachelor's program in Industrial and Systems Engineering. He works in the line of research: application and development of knowledge extraction models in database.


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How to Cite

Integrated Quality Management Systems: Strategy for Competitiveness in Food Agroindustry. (2023). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 17(34), 50-58.