Inventory Management Model in Humanitarian Logistics for the Optimal Response to a Possible Natural Disaster in the District of Barrancabermeja




E-commerce, inventory, management, dual channel, retail, stochastic demand


The chaotic conditions after a disaster can cause imbalances in the supply chain, affecting the level of inventory in each storage location and the shelters destined for the care of the affected people. The common goal for all relief operations is to reach people in need and deliver aid on time. Now, an inventory management model approach is proposed through the use of lateral transfers, it is considered that in this way the effectiveness of the help activities between shelters can be improved. Thus, a decision model oriented to inventory management in humanitarian logistics in the post-disaster phase in the event of a possible earthquake is presented. The proposed model links stochastic demand inventories with a periodic review for the decisions making in the supply management process with lateral transshipment.

Author Biographies

  • Fabian Alexander Torres Cardenas, Universidad de Investigacion y desarrollo

    Ingeniero Industrial graduado en 2018 por la Universidad Industrial de Santander -UIS (Colombia). Se tituló en 2020 como Magíster en Ingeniería Industrial por la Universidad Industrial de Santander -UIS. Docente tiempo completo de la Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo-UDI. Sus áreas de interés son la gestión de la cadena de suministro, simulación de sistemas productivos y logísticos.


  • Víctor Alfonso Sanabria Ruiz, Universidad Investigación y Desarrollo

    Ingeniero Industrial graduado en 2017 por la Universidad Industrial de Santander -UIS (Colombia). Se tituló en 2020 como Magíster en Ingeniería Industrial por la Universidad Industrial de Santander -UIS. Docente tiempo completo de la Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo-UDI. Sus áreas de interés son Big Data y logística humanitaria.



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How to Cite

Inventory Management Model in Humanitarian Logistics for the Optimal Response to a Possible Natural Disaster in the District of Barrancabermeja. (2023). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 17(33), 9-15.