Use of Viscous Fluid Dissipators as a measure of Structural Reinforcement
Seismic silence, Viscous Fluid Dissipators, Damping, Structural ReinforcementAbstract
Peru, a country with high seismicity throughout its history, currently shows an absence of large-magnitude earthquakes, so it is a priority to analyze existing structures and influence whether any intervention is required to improve their earthquake-resistant behavior, the main purpose of This research project was to estimate if these devices are suitable for use as a measure of structural reinforcement, the present research project is of the applied - evaluative type, showing favorable results that would validate its use, adding a viscous damping greater than 15%, thus dissipating the seismic energy by more than 85%; reducing lateral displacements and internal forces in vertical elements such as columns and shear walls between 50% and 80%, therefore these elements would require less areas of steel, being an additional advantage its easy implementation compared to traditional reinforcement methods, confirming that they are suitable for use as a reinforcement measure.
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