Environmental management systems and processes for cleaner production in the companies of the productive sector from Pereira and Dosquebradas
Environmental Management Systems, Cleaner Production, Environment, pollution, Pereira, DosquebradasAbstract
This article describes the state in which the companies of the productive sector of Pereira and Dosquebradas are located, concerning their environmental management systems versus the cleaner production processes. The methodology used in the research is mainly descriptive and exploratory, in the which was used a non-probabilistic sample for convenience where 63 companies participated, and the information was collected through a survey. Among the most important results, it was found that 56% of companies have an environmental management system implemented, on the other hand, it can be seen that most of the companies that participated in the study are already aware of the need for implementation and have at least one collaborator participating in such process. Finally, two models are presented as a proposal, the fi rst for the implementation of environmental prevention and the second for the integration of SGAs and PML programs.
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