Information and Communication Technologies in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Technological Trends and Challenges in Engineering Education




Fourth Industrial Revolution, ICT, engineering education, technologies trends


Information and Communication Technologies have an important role in the deployment of current technological trends. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, several challenges are faced in both industry and education. For this reason, it is fundamental to know the technological advances and the changes that are necessary for professional profiles, curriculum, and teaching. This paper provides a comprehensive review of technological trends in the era of industry 4.0, and the challenges met for engineering education.

Author Biography

  • Line Yasmin Becerra Sánchez, Universidad Católica de Pereira

    Es Ingeniera Electrónica, Especialista en Telecomunicaciones. Magíster en Ingeniería. Doctora en Ingeniería, en el área Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Es docente de la Universidad Católica de Pereira y pertenece al Grupo de Investigación Entre Ciencia e Ingeniería. Sus áreas de interés son: Telecomunicaciones, Ingeniería de tráfico, Enrutamiento, Redes Móviles, Simulación de Redes, Internet, MIPv6, HMIPv6.


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How to Cite

Information and Communication Technologies in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Technological Trends and Challenges in Engineering Education. (2020). Entre Ciencia E ingeniería, 14(28), 76-80.