Usability Heuristic Evaluation Using Qualitative Indicators for Intrusion Detection Systems
The decision to implement an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) within an organization can result in a complicated task both from a technical point of view as well as from those that affect the cost/benefit evaluation of its use. In this decision/evaluation process, several heuristics combined with indicators were proposed focused mainly on the technical part of these Systems. In creating these heuristics usability, we were assisted by a framework of guidelines of outlines oriented to the challenges of implementation and design of tools to manage security in information technology (SIT). It also presents the experience of evaluating these heuristics in two intrusion detectors of the NIDS type (Network Intrusion Detection System) widely used in the field of SIT. Therefore, it aims to be a source of consultation for evaluators and Information Technology Security professionals as well as the people in charge of decision-making in the organization.
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