Learning computer programming using “divide and conquer” strategy vs. without “divide and conquer strategy”
Functions, Learning, Methodology, Programming, Systems EngineeringAbstract
Learning computer programming is a permanent challenge for teacher engineers to find mechanisms, theories, and models that facilitate it and simplify the resolution of problems from the use of computational thinking. The concept of a function and the “divide and conquer” strategy facilitates the assimilation and application of programming within the functional paradigm and, at the same time, simplifies the learning of other programming paradigms. This article is based on an investigation made in parallel with groups of Programming Functional Paradigm throughout the last 6 semesters in the Systems and Computing Engineering program. The results are significantly different when comparing the groups in which the “divide and conquer” strategy was adopted with the results of those with a single function was worked that included the entire logical process of solving a problem. It is concluded that it is much more convenient to atomize a computational algorithmic solution into independent functions than think that solution in a single logical body independent of the programming paradigm.
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