Physicochemical analysis of fruits of Syzygium paniculatum in diff erent stages of maturity
magenta cherry, physical-chemical characterization, polyphenols, repining Inde, repining IndexAbstract
Shrubs of Syzyngium paniculatum, are found in the city of Bogotá adorning streets, park and gardens, presenting colorful fruits known as magenta cherry, which have no use whatsoever. In this study, the characterization of the physicochemical properties of the fruits in diff erent stages of maturation is carried out. Analyzes of fresh weight (0.23g - 5.7g), longitudinal diameter (9.22 mm-26.2mm) and equatorial (6.18mm-23.6 mm), humidity (70% -85%), ash (0.012%- 0.038%) were performed, pH (3.00-4.12), total soluble solids (6.2°Brix-2.2°Brix), total titratable acidity (1.7-23.9 mg of citric acid/g of fruit), fi nally classifying fi ve states of maturation. In fruits with state of maturation of consumption, the mineral content was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. It is concluded that the fruits of S. paniculatum have potential to be exploited for human consumption in Bogotá according to the physicochemical characteristics found and the content of phenols. It is suggested to carry out phytochemical analyzes that complement a study of the bioprospecting of the fruit.
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