Physical and chemical differences of the supplemented soil with electric batteries
electric batteries, organic matter, substrate, nitrogenAbstract
There are peasant practices in the department of Caquetá and testimonies of people in the city of Florence that involve the use of electric batteries as the basis of organic fertilizer for plants. Faced with the hypothesis that electric batteries can contribute to the healthy development of a plant, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the incidence of electric batteries in the physical and chemical properties of a soil sample destined to plant beans. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design (DCA) with a 1 x 4 factorial arrangement, where factor A corresponds to beans, and factor B corresponds to the variety of electric batteries (generic and alkaline) with three repetitions. In each treatment, it was determined: pH, exchangeable acidity (A.I.), organic carbon (C.O), ashes, color, and conductivity. The study showed that the addition of electric batteries to the soil favors the absorption of solar energy, making the average soil temperature tend to be higher, which would tend to promote rapid germination in the seeds, positive aspect in the germination stage of this. However, it can affect the low release of nitrogen to the soil, in its post-growth phases.
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