A Tool for Analysis of Spectral Indices for Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Crops Using Hyperspectral Images
Hyperspectral Images, Remote Sensing, Spectral Bands, Spectral Indices, WavelengthAbstract
Food requirements in the world have increased, evidencing the necessity to improve standard techniques of agricultural production. To do so, one option is through technological elements like hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation and crops. Remote sensing and hyperspectral imagery are not invasive methods. They allow covering large land space in a reduced amount of time. These features have done the hyper-spectral remote sensing a powerful tool used in precision agriculture. This paper presents a software application to process hyperspectral images and generating pseudo-color images computed using spectral indices. This work uses the hyperspectral images were taken by Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) sensor, which was designed by the NASA. The software application aims to show different elements associated with the hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation and crops. Functional tests are presented to verify the software requirements. Finally, quantitative results are reported comparing the results of the software proposes in this work with the ERDAS Imagine software tool.
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