Evaluation of cracks and fissures discontinuities in concrete structures using a vibration analyzer and digital image processing
Mechanical vibrations, Visual inspection of structures, wavelet transform, algorithm, discontinuities.Abstract
In this research, an evaluation of cracks type discontinuities in concrete structures are made as an alternative for their identification, which the design and construction of a vibration analyzer is exposed, for the characterization of the data obtained by means of a sensor laser model M70LL of MEL after the application of the wavelet transform. The processing of the obtained data is done by means of a statistical analysis of averages and deviation of each plate, to normalize the results using a cartogram divided into 64 spaces (corresponding to each evaluated area), represented in 5 shades of different colors (blue, green, yellow, terracotta and red) which, at a higher intensity, evidences the possibility of anomaly in that area. With these results, it is sought to corroborate the presence of structural anomalies presents through an artificial vision system, based on digital image processing techniques.
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