Projecting Bioclimatic Strategies for Consolidation of Habitat: Resettlement for Population at Risk
Pereira, High Risk Land, Bioclimatic Urbanism, Human Factor, Sustainable Design.DesignAbstract
A better understanding of the Habitat and its way of consolidation of the urban land allows to face an urban distress for people at risk. The relocating a group of the population which is situated on the high bank of the old existing fabric of the train tracks at the area of Esperanza-Galicia, Pereira. The human factors and the environment generates a close relationships on the territory. The appropriation of the human necessities at urban land are related to
geomorphologic conditions, environmental characteristics, cultural aspects, social and economic ways of intervention and its urban form.
This reflection establish an understanding of the different climate variables of the territory and integrates the human factor because it articulated de urban land to the knowledge of the habitat. This research focuses on the expansion of the site selected on the west side of the city of Pereira as a part of partial plan of developing for the Thematic Park of Flora and Fauna. This work concludes in an urban proposal which plan and organize the territory in a
way that each climate component is a big part of a major urban developing. To observe the key elements is the best way of understand the human habitat.
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